This year, I will

Happy new year readers! 😀

Okay so this is officially my first post this year. Glad to know I survived the 12-21-12 apocalypse and that it was postponed for 3 months! I still have time until March. Good. 😉

I welcome you all with this post inspired from the Weekly Writing Challenge.

Tell us about the three things you’d most like to change about your life, and make a bold, I-don’t-care-who-knows-it-because-there’s-a-meteor-a-comin’ assertion to the world that you are going to get these changes made. And that you’ll have at least started making them happen by March. When, erm, you’re probably going to wind up as dust.

3 things? I only got one thing in my mind. Her. 

Seriously, here is my entry. This year, I will…

1. Improve my health habits. That means less from fatty foods (Oh, lesser of those pork fat, chicken skin, lechon, very yummy things), more vegies and fruits, less rice (this will be the hardest part), exercise more (oh I’m sorry, this one’s harder), and going to a scary dentist.

2. Juggle time more effectively. This one’s going to bring me to a more OCD side but time is what I can’t really handle that well. This means less procrastination, more action. With a blog, a new job and a lovelife that’s a flatline, how hard can it be?

3. Be a disciplined disciple. I’ve bought an Our Daily Bread book partnered with a bible, so there’s the start. I intend to read the bible more than I read Stephen King’s, Dan Brown’s and Dean Koontz’. I hope to grow more as a Christian. In case the end is really near, I’m assured of my afterlife. And other people’s afterlife too. 😀


That’s it. Quite easy eh?

Gracious in Defeat

Just as shocked as everybody is, I was saddened by Pacquiao’s loss. It was a knockout punch. Plain and clear: Marquez won.

I am a Filipino and it is in my blood the burning fervor of support to a fellow bringing our country’s name. However, what is really worse than the loss is the flock of animals people mocking, insulting, and bashing Pacman. These same people who boastfully posts the “We are very proud of you” lines are now throwing daggers of burning salt to the already wounded hero. Just uurrrgh. *facepalm*

Then there’s the blame game. Pointing out Pacquiao’s change of religion. The absence of the rosary and the sign of the cross during the fight. Seriously? Hasn’t anyone noticed how Pacquiao’s life has dramatically changed since the shift of religion? Giving up the vices (gambling and alleged womanizing), studying the Bible, leaning more into helping others, sharing his blessings, glorifying God?

I am not against any religion or anything. It’s just that it dismays me how much R-E-S-P-E-C-T is forgotten. Come on! You should have learned that already. It is not that he’s a criminal or he did something bad, he is a human being. Even animals like some of you need to be respected.

I have so much admiration to such a strong warrior as Manny. No more back slinging of any issues. Just humbly honoring the winner, accepting the loss, being gracious in defeat.

Very well said.

Very well said. I pretty much agree to this.

’nuff said.

Boxing is a sport.

Sometimes you win.

Sometimes you lose.

Sometimes when we touch. ♪♫♪

Sometimes love just ain’t enough. ♪♫♪


I Wish I Were…

I wish I were a kid again.

It is the most peaceful time of my life.

I don’t have bosses to follow,

Only simple rules, it’s still cute to be shallow.

I don’t have to wash my own clothes or do the dishes,

I just simply eat, laugh, fulfill my parents simple wishes.

No chores to accomplish, no assignments to attend to,

No complicated love relationships,

No heartbreaks, no judgments

Simple acts of kindness,

Obedience will do.


If a magical genie would appear in front of me now, I would wish to be a kid again.

To be free from worries. Be free from the earthly stresses that shake up our life. Free from the problems with the economy, the oil price hike, the political issues, the crimes, the gossips, the exams, broken relationships, quarrels, debts, unpaid bills, everything! They would even consider a storm to be a chance to dance in the rain. To treat life lightly and worry-free. That’s why I wish to be.

FORGIVE and forget. Kids never hold grudges. They cry if you scold them, shout at them, hit them, tease them, but at the end of the day, (or after you give them a piece of candy) they still turn to you as a friend. They do it easily they don’t mind who you are or what you did.

Innocence. Purity. To never lie. Never hold back what you are feeling because you know the people around you will understand you no matter what. To express anger when you are angry, to cry loudly when you are sad and lonely. Doing it in front of everybody, and still get their sympathy. No weird looks, only pure company.

LOVE unconditionally. They don’t mind the riches, they don’t care if you are a family of witches. They see love in your eye, they will come to your side. They hug you after a long day at work, they give you sweet kisses and ‘I love you’s. That all for the value of attention and affection you invest.

Here’s my nephew. Too cute. 😀

To be worry-free,
To forgive easily
To be innocent and pure
To love, be secure.

That’s what I like about kids.

That’s why I wish to still be
Child-like but not childish
Youthful but mature.