Oh Baby, Baby

I easily get well around with those cute young humans. The playful, mischievous, hyperactive creatures.

What is in me that they are attracted to?  my sweat? scent? angelic face?


They all just somehow come to me.

One time at church, there was this baby, maybe 9 months or so, who wanted to play peek-a-boo with me. So, with the copy of liturgy in hand, I entertained the both of us.

I don’t have a doctorate in child psychology but here are a few tips on how to hypnotize get along with those miniatures:

1. Make eye contact.
2. Don’t be intrusive. Allow them to move accordingly. Let them come to you.
3. Never force them.
4. Bribe them with food.
5. Avoid handling (kissing, pinching, shaking) them too much.

6. Maging isip-bata!  Be child-like!


I really love babies! They move with magic –making everybody smile just by being  babies. I really want one!

pwede na?

pwede na?


How are you with babies??

Reflecting On: No Mirrors

What if one day you wake up in a world without mirrors?

It will be the same. If not, better.

I am not a mirror kind of person. Though in a profession where I have to be presentable to my clients (as a nurse to my patients), I am not so self-conscious with the way I look. I don’t even comb my hair. A hand swipe and that’s it. A quick fix. But I do take a bath, to clear your doubt.

I guess people around me would be much affected. I’m talking about majority of the people around me at work, the female species. Some might go hysterical about the idea. How will they do their make up? What if their hair is not as obedient as they want it to be? What about their clothes, are they neat enough? Are there new pimples?


I guess a world withour mirrors will be better. As we focus less on our physical appearance, we might just improve our way of displaying our personalities, the inner self that is often hidden.

The absence of mirrors might just be the key to viewing ourself from the standpoint of others. Let others be the mirror that we want to see ourselves. Let their attitude towards us, be the reflection of who we are to them.

I’m still Alive! (2nd year anniv post)

Hey there!

Buhay pa po ako! (I’m still alive!)

It has been almost a year since my last post, balikat at braso, september 22, 2013. And thanks to wordpress reminding me, today is my second anniversary! Woooh!

In celebration (and in summary), let me recount the things I survived for the past year.

  1. October 15, 2013 7.2 magnitude earthquake

It was around 7:30am and we were just doing our nursing rounds after the endorsement when the whole earth suddenly shook the soul out of me. I was in the male surgical ward and we’ve had at least 5 patients who are bed ridden, two immediate post operation, one paraplegic (paralyzed from neck down, but very well awake), 2 on ventilator, and a couple with chest tubes thoracotomy (with bottles of drainage).

 I know it is my duty to save lives, but trust me, I just shouted, everybody out! and ran straight to the garden together with my 3 other female duty mates. All that could walk followed suit. The rest, including the paraplegic, I pity as they lay there helpless.

Soon I was drenched in sweat lifting patients out of the building (thank God it did not collapse, though cracks are visible). Finding them in the open garden area along with a thousand other patients from different departments was the next thing. 

And don’t forget the aftershocks that lasted a month. Ugh!

  1. Yolanda PH

Mother earth was not done! Supertyphoon Yolanda slammed damaged destroyed wrecked my province, Leyte. November 7, 2013.

No words could describe how much sorrow I felt as I went home a week after the typhoon, with only a text message from my loved ones (mother, father, and sister), if worst came to worststst, I was the only one left here in Cebu.

Here are some pictures of our house…


overlooking the backyard

water, water everywhere

water, water everywhere

our kitchen

our kitchen

a ray of hope

a ray of hope

poor greens

poor greens

To add, working in a public hospital, the rush of incoming patients from the devastated region were overwhelming. 


  1. RN HEALS Program

As 2013 ended, so was my contract as RNHEALS Program. The last day of duty was during the new year’s eve and I ended up taking blood pressure as the fireworks colored the background.

It was altogether inspiring since my parents and sister spent Christmas in the city with me, and a little bit depressing as I slowly accept that I may have been swallowed by the profession of which I’m passionate about.

ward 5

the only thorn


But wait, there’s more…

(should’ve been separate blogposts, but for now, take a bite)

– I got an option to extend my stay for another six months as contractual nurse and I happily accepted.

– Last April, I got invited to be the guest speaker during the graduation exercises of both my high school and elementary school alma maters(?) (haha, add that to the resume!)

– I’ve went canyoneering down the Matutinao river in Badian and even jumped 30 ft off a waterfall. I’m  acrophobic and hydrophobic by the way.

– I may be in  love and inspired again. Maybe that’s the reason why I’m writing again. Maybe. Just maybe. *wink*

So long !