Oh Baby, Baby

I easily get well around with those cute young humans. The playful, mischievous, hyperactive creatures.

What is in me that they are attracted to?  my sweat? scent? angelic face?


They all just somehow come to me.

One time at church, there was this baby, maybe 9 months or so, who wanted to play peek-a-boo with me. So, with the copy of liturgy in hand, I entertained the both of us.

I don’t have a doctorate in child psychology but here are a few tips on how to hypnotize get along with those miniatures:

1. Make eye contact.
2. Don’t be intrusive. Allow them to move accordingly. Let them come to you.
3. Never force them.
4. Bribe them with food.
5. Avoid handling (kissing, pinching, shaking) them too much.

6. Maging isip-bata!  Be child-like!


I really love babies! They move with magic –making everybody smile just by being  babies. I really want one!

pwede na?

pwede na?


How are you with babies??

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