Moving On…

We live this life for ourselves. We struggle for excellence, we pursue our own dreams. We all do it for our benefit. But in the end, the greatest we could do is dedicate those things, our well spent lives as a whole, to the ones who we think deserves. It’s just up to them to appreciate it.


When moving on, you try to sort things out. You leave all the hatred and pain. You bring with you the life lessons. Like throwing the garbage and packing the things you still need, those you want to have in the future. In the process, you get to realize what’s valuable and which are junk.

At first, you might find it hard to let go of some things. You will feel empty, scattered, disorganized. But then life goes on, you continue sorting things, and in time you will find a new sense of direction. And from there, you’ll never be lost.

At some point, you become tired of all the mess and clutter you have to dispose. Rest, take a deep breath. Remember that there are always people around to help you. You don’t have to do everything by yourself.

If there are unfinished business you have to do, don’t hesitate to go back and fix it. Everyone deserves a second chance. Life is a journey, but roads have U-turn slots right? Use it wisely though. You may never encounter another one.

“Take baby steps. Don’t leap, you might fall and get hurt.”

Though moving on is not that fast and easy, taking baby steps are of help. Each day is a time for healing, for mending things, for picking up the pieces of yourself, and slowly fill the emptiness, letting the brokenness be whole again.

In the end, you maybe bruised, scratched, and aching. Yet, victory is yours. For nothing is more successful than conquering your own self.